360° AI Performance Reviews.
Save tons of hours by using GeniusReview to get tailored answers to your performance review questions.
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Enter the employee's name first, then choose their role to customize the answer and process.
Rank the skills
The following list of skills are specifically tailored to your chosen role. Rate each from 1 (no) to 10 (absolutely). If you want to skip one skill, select n/a.
Add your questions
It's now your turn to add the questions from your performance review. We added two as an example, so remove them before you add yours.
Give a few hints
Add a few inputs for each question. Try to provide specific examples. Don't go too long (we'll do it for you), but the more inputs you provide, the more personalized your answer will be.
Generate your review
We are ready to generate the review. Here you can select the tone of your review to match your style.